
发布时间:2018年6月5日 9:44:17 


5月30日,美国圣何塞州立大学设计系教授Chang kim和Randall Sexton以及学生来我校数字技术学院参观交流,学院外事办副主任王晓宇、数字技术学院院长林子杰、数字技术学院国际办主任陈丽君、视觉传达专业教师李钊参加了此项交流活动。
On May 30th, Chang Kim and Randall Sexton, Professors of Design Department, San Jose State University, and accompanying students visited GAD. Lin Zijie, Dean of GAD, Wang Xiaoyu from Foreign Affairs Office, Chen Lijun from International Office and Lizhao from Visual Communication program attended the exchange activity.

Chang kim教授为视传国际班的学生带来了精彩的讲座,讲座分为三部分:美国圣何塞州立大学介绍、个人作品、字体设计项目分享。国际班的学生们从本次讲座中受益匪浅。同时,陈丽君老师为美国的学生们介绍了我院基本情况,并带领学生们参观了各工作室,学生们对我院的环境和教学成果留下了深刻印象。
Professor Chang Kim gave a wonderful lecture to the students from the international class of Visual Communication program. The lecture included an introduction to the San Jose State University, personal works and font design project sharing, which benefited students a lot. Chen Lijun gave a brief introduction of GAD and showed around the studios. The students from SJSU were impressed with the environment and teaching achievements of our academy.

双方在合作授课、夏季课程、教育学术展等方面达成了高度共识,计划开展深入合作。两位教授考察了动画工作室、数字媒体光影工作室、Show BIM工作室、产品金属与首饰工作室、视觉传达设计国际班等地,并与在场学生亲切交流,对我院实践教学环境及教学成果给予了较高的评价。
Through exchanges, the two sides have reached a high degree of consensus in cooperative teaching, summer courses, educational academic exhibitions and plan to carry out in-depth cooperation. Professors Chang Kim and Randall Sexton visited the Animation Studio, Digital Media Light and Shadow Studio, Show BIM studio,Product Metal and Jewelry Studio and the international class of Visual Communication program. They communicated with students in GAD and spoke highly of the environment and teaching achievements of our academy.
San Jose State University, founded in 1862, is a famous public university in the United States. It has 13 colleges including College of Applied Sciences and Arts, Department of Business, College of Humanities and the Arts, Design Department and School of Music and Dance, offering 134 graduate and post-graduate programs.