印度Srishti艺术设计与技术学院留学生Bani Chaudhuri访谈

发布时间:2019年12月30日 1:28:00 

本学期,耿丹国际设计学院迎来了来自印度Srishti艺术设计与技术学院的留学生Bani Chaudhuri,Bani是第一位来到设计学院学习的印度交换生。近日,国际交流办公室记者采访了Bani同学,她分享了她眼中的耿丹国际设计学院及学习生活体会。




Hi, Bani, nice to meet you. We are from GAD International Office. We would like to know more about your life and study in Gengdan. Thank you!


Is this your first time in China? Since you’ve been here for some time already, is life in Gengdan different from that in your hometown, such as food or accommodation?


Bani: Yes, this is my first time in China. I have been here for approximately four months. Life in Gengdan is very different from that in my hometown, because my college does not provide food and accommodation. The work schedule and workload are also different.




Have you met any good friends/teachers? What kind of help did she/he bring you?


Bani: I have met many good friends and teachers. They guided me when I was confused and helped me with my daily life and helped me with the challenges of knowing the native language.




Is there any difference between Gengdan's classes and classes in your college? Or did you find anything different that is new to you?


Bani: My major in my old college is different and the classes are conducted very differently over there. However I have learned many new things in Visual Communication, such as the basics of design.




Why did you choose GAD? What attracts you here?


Bani: There are many reasons which made GAD appealing to me; it is different from my major and gives me the chance to explore new horizons. I also wished to experience a different culture from my home country.



记者: 在学业空闲的时候会做些什么呢?有去尝试一下学校食堂吗?对中国的美食有什么看法呢?

What do you do in your spare time? Have you tried the school canteen? What do you think of Chinese food?


Bani: I don’t have much spare time. I have tried the canteen and I find that Chinese food is extremely delicious and nutritious!




Thank you for cooperating with us to complete this interview. We hope you have a good time in Gengdan!

(国际设计学院 供稿)

周一至周五 :8:30-17:30